For nearly 50 years we’ve made satisfied customers by offering incredible products supported by superior service. Order our custom products with confidence knowing we stand behind every single product we make. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, or any part of your experience, just let us know. Below are “what if's” we have been asked from time to time and how we respond to ensure your satisfaction.


  1. What if I don’t like what I ordered?

    If you receive something you do not like, we will do everything possible to rectify the issue. For starters, we will remake or repair the product to your liking if it was made incorrectly. If you simply feel you selected the wrong product or material, we will let you choose something else and give you 50% off the retail price of a new product. Simply put... it is our mission to satisfy each and every customer and we will do whatever is possible to accomplish that goal.

  2. What if I measure incorrectly?

    Measure twice; cut once is a good adage. If you find your measurements were off and your treatment isn’t fitting quite right, we will remake the product the right size and give you a 50% discount on the replacement.

  3. What if the installation is incorrect?

    We stand behind every one of our products, however we do not offer installation. If your installer measured incorrectly, we will remake the product at 50% off the retail price of a new product.

Got questions?
Contact Customer Service at (800) 817-1204
or email us.